
Speak Frequently

International Community

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We-Speak currently only supports the following languages: French
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Meetings happen via Zoom (virtual reality on VR Chat). Once you are registered, you’ll have access to the meetings included in the plan you choose. 

Language exchanges via Tandem are a great way to practice! However, We-Speak offers a few advantages:

  • First, people join We-Speak to PRACTICE! Not to find a new life partner. The price and our moderators ensure this.
  • Second, the different conversation styles encourages you to discuss subjects outside of your comfort zone or what you might in a language exchange.
  • Finally, there is no back-and-forth to try and find a meeting time.

The key to reaching conversational fluency is practicing sentence formation frequently. So, yes! But practicing with non-natives is still an excellent way you practice.

One common issue that occurs when practicing with someone at a higher level than you (such as a native), is that they tend to do the majority of the speaking! 

One of the main goals in We-Speak is to identify important sentences that are missing from your vocabulary! So if this happen:

  1. First, do NOT revert to English/your native language!  One of the most overlooked conversational skills is the ability to flexibly express an idea in various ways!
  2. Second, write it down! After your turn speaking, make a quick note of the phrase you had trouble with. Then go figure out how to say it after the conversation is over and add it to your study list!